Physical Health English

How can I protect my children if I am going out to work?

If you are working out of the home, try to protect your children and other family members from COVID-19.

  • Stay home as much as possible
  • At work
    • Wear a clean cloth mask.
    • Try to stay more than 2 meters away from others
    • Don’t hug or kiss or have ANY physical contact with anyone
    • Avoid touching your face
    • Avoid groups where you see them gathered
    • Try to avoid surfaces like doorknobs and switches that are touched by many people
    • Wash hands as often as possible with soap for 20 seconds (or use alcohol sanitiser)
  • At home
    • If possible, wash your hands and body and change into clean clothes before you enter the home
    • Hand washing as above
    • Wipe down any items your brought home, straight away with sanitiser or use 4 teaspoons of bleach in 1 litre of water. Keep bleach out of reach from children.
    • Leave all items such as pens, at work, if possible.

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